Fame | Greg Fishel net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
How old is Greg Fishel? When is Greg Fishel's birthday? Where is Greg Fishel born? Where did Greg Fishel grow up from? What's Greg Fishel's age?
Greg Fishel Born: February 19, 1957 (age 66years), Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Is Greg Fishel married? When did Greg Fishel get married? Who's Greg Fishel's married to? (Who's Greg Fishel's husband / wife)?
Greg Fishel Spouse: Kathy Fishel
Does Greg Fishel have any children? What are the names of Greg Fishel's children? What are the ages of Greg Fishel's children?
Greg Fishel Children: Brandon Fishel, Austin Fishel
What has happened to Greg Fishel?
Beloved former TV weatherman Greg Fishel, who had been a staple in many North Carolina households for nearly 40 years, has a new role with a Fayetteville HVAC company. Since November, the former WRAL meteorologist has been the spokesman for Fayetteville-based Blanton's Air, Plumbing and Electric.
What happened to the weatherman on WRAL?
Chief meteorologist Greg Fishel left WRAL-TV in February 2019 in what the company described as a \u201cpersonnel matter.\u201d Fishel went on to work for Priogen Energy and in July 2020 relocated to south Florida.
How long did Greg Fishel work for WRAL?
He joined WRAL in 1981, and became the station's chief meteorologist in 1989. He resigned from the WRAL News Team in February 2019. In late 2019, Fishel joined Priogen Energy, an Amsterdam-based energy company, as an atmospheric scientist.
Who is the chief meteorologist for WRAL?
WRAL TV - From WRAL Chief Meteorologist Greg Fishel from... | Facebook.