Heather admits her pornographic past
Heather Mills McCartney has been forced to admit her unsavoury past after pictures of her posing for a pornographic book emerged which showed her performing sex acts on a stranger.
The estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney admitted she had taken part in the photoshoot which showed her smothered in baby oil and performing sex acts with a male model.
Other explicit pictures showed her acting out bondage scenes with whips and simulating sex.
The German book, titled Die Freuden Der Liebe - The Joys of Love - was published by hardcore porn company Orion who are based in Flensburg in Northern Germany in 1988.
Like the thousands of other porn books the company publishes, it had no descriptive or instructive words - only page after page of sexual images.
Miss Mills McCartney's lawyers have admitted that she had taken part in the erotic shoot. But they denied that it was porn.
"This photo shoot, undertaken approximately 20 years ago, was for the purpose of a "lovers guide" to caring relationships and instructive sex in the same way as many other books on the market," her lawyers Coyle White Devine said.
"The photo shoot was not pornographic or for the purposes of gratification of the viewer."
The lawyers added that, "she did not have sex with the male model", and tried to play down the picture saying, "it is widely known that our client was a model and has done nude shots in the past".
Sources close to Sir Paul McCartney admitted he was "devastated" by the pictures as he had always believed she had been nothing more than a topless model.
In the past she has also denied allegations that she was "a hooker" who had sex with wealthy Arabs.
"There has never been any evidence about exactly what she got up to before," said one source. "But now Paul can see with his own eyes the secrets of Heather's past.
"Up until now he has always believed her when she said all the stories about her past were rubbish, but now he knows one is true it is not such a leap to start believing the others.
"He is utterly devastated. Although, cynically, this could play well in any battle for Beatrice, the fact is that she is the mother of his child and he once loved her very much."

Meanwhile, former friends of Miss Mills McCartney, 38, told of how she showed off about the sex book, and they also speculated that it was not her only one.
Photographer Jeff Kaine, who worked with her on topless and other racy shoots over two years at the same time as she did the sex book, said: 'She used to tell us about how much she had enjoyed doing the sex book. She was quite a girl.
"She said she liked to do stuff abroad because it meant no one she knew would see it. She would vanish abroad quite often. She would boast about how much money she could earn doing the work and I think she did a few similar things.
"At one point we were going to do a similar sex book, with me photographing, but then she vanished again."
Rumours surfaced about Miss Mills McCartney's unsavoury past when she first started dating the former Beatle, who is 26 years older than her.
It prompted her to do an interview denying she was a "high-class hooker" who was flown to lavish parties around the world to sleep with rich businessmen. She also denied she had slept with billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and Harrods boss Mohamed Al Fayed.
"At every turn I'm being told of vile allegations and lies against me," she said in the June 2000 interview. "These slurs are so awful that they are stopping people supporting my charities. If they think I'm a former hooker they don't want to be linked to me.
"I sat down with Paul as soon as I heard the lies that were coming out. I talked him through it step by step.
"I can't tell you how he reacted because that is too private - but he knew how ludicrous it was. It is all so pathetic and revolting, but Paul never doubted me for a moment."
Sir Paul, 63, and his wife, who met at a charity function 18 months after his first wife Linda died of cancer, admitted their four year marriage was over three weeks ago after days of speculation.
Miss Mills McCartney could win up to £200million of Sir Paul's £850million fortune, although sources close to the singer say he believes she will accept a settlement of £25million.
The custody of their two-year-old daughter Beatrice is likely to be a major sticking point with Sir Paul hoping to get 'residence' of the child.