
Video Shows Two People Electrocuted After Sitting Down on Third Rail

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A pair of 20-somethings were on their way to a Lollapalooza concert, but ended up in the hospital instead ... this after they sat down on the third rail in an Illinois train station and got zapped.

What’s even more shocking … the horrifying incident was all caught on video, which was shared online. Check it out for yourself … the two were parked next to each other on the third rail in Chicago’s Ridgeland Station earlier this month.

People were milling about on the platform above … but no one seemed particularly concerned about their well-being. All of a sudden, the young man got electrocuted, his body was shaking and going rigid as he clung to the woman beside him. She, too, was jolted by the voltage -- and, subsequently, both went limp. A friend sitting next to them pulled them off the third rail before emergency service units arrived.

The two victims were rushed to a local hospital, where the unconscious man was in critical condition. The woman suffered less severe injuries and was said to be "improving." Their buddy was not seriously hurt. The trio reportedly jumped onto the tracks to take selfies while waiting for the train to take them to the Lollapalooza Festival in Grant Park on August 5.


Aldo Pusey